The Parish Choir (comprised of both men and women, primarily sings at 10:30 Sunday Mass).
The Parish Choir is the principal liturgical choir for the parish. An ensemble of 10 to 12 auditioned and non-auditioned professional and volunteer musicians, the Parish Choir sings for all major liturgies throughout the liturgical year. Singing music ranging from Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony to that of contemporary composers, the Parish Choir always welcomes new singers! A level of comfortability in reading music is encouraged but not required. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:30 p.m. and are open to anyone in high school or beyond, providing a meaningful social outlet while enhancing the worship of our community.
Gathered together around the tables of both word and sacrament, we are the body of Christ called to prayer. This is the heart of our liturgical celebrations here at Immaculate Heart of Mary. All are welcomed and encouraged to fully, consciously, and actively engage in the coming together, the listening, the responding, the singing, the receiving, and the accepting of the mission to go forth and glorify the Lord by our lives.
At Immaculate Heart of Mary, music is integral to our worship and takes on many styles and forms, from chant to gospel, from hymns to contemporary songs. The organ and piano are used interchangeably and choirs of adult voices and cantors often greet and support us in our song, always mindful that the assembly is the primary minister of music.
Sung prayer gathers our many voices into one, builds us up as the body of Christ, and sends us forth to love and serve our God through our loving service to one another.