What does this ministry do?
The ministry of Altar Serving is to assist the priest at the altar in the celebration of the Mass.
When do they serve?
Will serve several times per month. (1.5 hours)
Who is able to participate?
Any youth 4th grade and up, as well as adults.
What volunteer opportunities are there?
There are nine altar servers scheduled per weekend. Servers are also at special Masses as needed throughout the year.
What is the time commitment?
15 minutes before Mass through 10 minutes after Mass.
What skills are required?
No particular skills are required other than the ability to carry the cross and a willingness to serve.
Is any training required? If so, what does that look like?
There will be initial training for new Altar Servers (and current Servers who would like a review) several times throughout the year. Training for special liturgies is also offered. Training sessions and sign-up notifications are posted in the bulletin.